
IRS e-file

We are pleased to inform you that upon review of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $949.30 under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-6 days in order to process it.

A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.

To access the online form for your tax refund, please access the IRS e-file form.

Note: For security reasons, we will record your ip-address, the date and time. Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued and indicted.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: 346 66 2715

Because this letter could help resolve any questions regarding your exempt status, you should keep it in your permanent records.

If you distribute funds to other organizations, your records must show whether they are exempt under section 497 (c) (12). In cases where the recipient organization is not exempt under section 497 (c) (12), you must have evidence to prove that the funds will be used for section 497 (c) (12) purposes.

If you distribute funds to individuals, you should keep case histories showing the recipient's name and address; the purpose of the award; the manner of section; and the relationship of the recipient to any of your officers, directors, trustees, members, or major contributors.


David Morgan
Director, Tax Refunds Department

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