
Hiring the Super Project Manager

Hiring the Super Project Manager
Some would argue that hiring good people is now more science than art. Personality tests, leadership tests, background checks, reference checks, relevant experience, etc., all make selecting the [...] http://cli.gs/JQ8uLT
10 songs that will make your IT day go faster
No matter how frustrating or boring a particular task happens to be, a good song can usually make it bearable. Rick Vanover shares some of the tunes that help get him through the day. Matching music to tedious IT tasks is a popular way to lighten the load. Here are 10 songs that groove well into [...] http://cli.gs/Tn5QMm
Top five reasons organizations fail at project management
Generally speaking, all companies and organizations are trying to get better at project management. (In other words, there aren't any organizations that are purposely trying to get worse at project management.) Though they may not be able to articulate it, organizations recognize that there is value associated with being able to manage projects more effectively. Then [...]http://cli.gs/SDmmdV
How do you determine a job candidate's analytical skills from an interview?
All managers know how important it is for an employee to be able to think on his or her feet. During interviews, job candidates are more than happy to give you a laundry list of degrees and certifications, but it's a little harder to discern how those people would go about solving a problem in [...]http://cli.gs/gBg553
11 'Laws of IT Physics'
This is a guest post from Michael Krigsman of TechRepublic's sister site ZDNet. You can follow Michael on his ZDNet blog IT Project Failures, or subscribe to the RSS feed. Given high rates of failed IT projects, it's helpful to examine first principles that underlie successful technology deployments. Even though devils live in the details, understanding [...]http://cli.gs/QAjXj0
Top 10 Windows XP tips of 2008
TechRepublic has written thousands of tips, tweaks, tricks, and hacks since Windows XP first appeared on the scene - and this year has been no exception. We already collected a few of the most popular tips as 10+ ways to get more out of Windows XP and 10 Windows XP tricks and timesavers. Now it's [...]http://cli.gs/M66MXu

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