
Is Google Page Rank Important?

Is Google Page Rank Important?
Any newbie in home business is keen to get a Page Rank (PR) for his or her website or blog. Google gives PR based on the value of the webpage. Does it promise anything?http://tinyurl.us/?f=1NVD
What Are Long Tail Keywords?
A long tail keyword is a three or four word phrase that is very specific to the item you are selling. They are geared at driving targeted traffic to a specific location.http://tinyurl.us/?f=PX3I
Feeding the Google Monster
Google is a monster, and it's a voracious one at that. Originally conceived as a project by two Stanford PhD candidates, the Google search engine was first designed to crawl across websites, and identify links back to other websites. The theory was that finding common links back to websites would help identify which websites have the richest content. By the way, this is a fairly recent phenomenon-the original project was conceived in team 1996, and Google itself was incorporated in 1998.http://tinyurl.us/?f=7C9V

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