

From: Mrs Juliet Savimbi
Subject: please reply
Date: 18 Aug 2010 20:02:18 +0200 (Wed, Aug 18, 2010 14:02:18)

Dear friend I am Mrs. Juliet Savimbi, widow of the late Unita Leader (THE UNION FOR THE TOTAL INDEPENDENCE OF ANGOLA) who was shot by the MPLA Government in Angola. Your contact was giving to me by my woman friend who is a Computer Operator. I therefore, decided to contact you in confidence, so that I can be able to move out the sum of US$45,000,000.00 (Forty Five Million United States Dollars only) which was secretly defaced and sealed in one metal box for security reasons.Therefore,i personally appeal for your assistance to move this money into your country where i believe it will be safe since I cannot leave the country due to the restriction of movement imposed on me and members of my family by the Angolan Government. Upon your response, i shall arrange with you towards the effective completion of this transaction .However, we will arrange on how to move/transfer this money out of Africa to your country or as we may agreed in principle .Conclusively, I have decided to offer you 25% of the total sum why 5% will be for miscellaneous expenses while 70% is to be in trust with you subsequent to our free movement by the Angolan Government. Please reply urgently and treat this with confidentiality and sincerity Best Regards Mrs Juliet Savimbi BBC NEWS ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/1839252.stm ) My Private email: mrsjulietsavimbi@live.com From.Mrs Juliet Savimbi / ANGOLA

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